About Me
Nace en Madrid en 1980 y desde muy pequeña su gran pasión es la pintura, en un amplio sentido de la palabra. Realiza cursos de dibujo en la escuela de arte El Estudio y cursos de acuarela con el pintor Pablo Echevarría . Estudia conservación y restauración de obras de arte en CEROA y aquí es donde comienza su andadura profesional, pero el continuo contacto con diferentes obras de otros artistas, sus diferentes y pinceladas y manejo del color, le empuja a desarrollar su propia creatividad. Por lo que estudia pintura en Parsons Nueva York. Actualmente todos los trabajos los realiza por encargo desde su estudio en Madrid.
Lucia was born in Madrid in 1980, and since very young she has been very passionate about painting, in all its forms. She took drawing courses in El Estudio in Madrid and later on studied with the painter Pablo Echevarría the art of watercolor painting. Meanwhile she studied painting restoration in CEROA and started her professional life with her own restoration studio. But the continuing contact with different masterpieces of other artists, with their diverse styles, forms and use of color brought her to pursue her own creativity and art making. She then studied painting at Parsons in New York City. At the moment she works from her studio in Madrid, where she lives with her family.